Monday, January 12, 2015

Still Journeying

Sometimes, we wake up and it’s “just another day”. Our life is stagnant, it seems. We get ready, we go to work or to school, do what we need to do, try not to screw up, and come home. In order to break the monotony, we whip out our phones and get on Facebook. Or Instagram. Or Twitter. Certainly, other people are living their lives in a more interesting way. We are here, they are there. We are doing this, they are doing that. We have this, they have that. We are stuck.

Many times, once we get to a certain “set point” and are comfortable with our lives, we believe we are who we are and don’t see ourselves changing. Sure, we are in a different place from when we started, but now it seems like every day is exactly the same.

Admittedly, these may have been my sentiments.

Many people over the past several months have asked why I have not written anything in so long. Many people—including myself—thought that I may have stopped writing permanently.

I can give the usual excuses of being too busy or that I just discuss things I think about with those close to me, and I would not be lying. But it’s more than that.

We do not notice our changes until later. Nor do we notice our growth until later.  But each day is an opportunity for growth. I have grown a lot over the years since I started writing. This is clearly evident.

I thought that because I was comfortable with whom I am, with this relatively new life, that I had stopped growing. I have been grossly mistaken.

Each day, I am given the opportunity to affect people. I can choose to stay stuck in my own world, be encompassed in my own life’s worries and the next thing I have to do, or I can take a look at the broader picture. I can choose to stay the same, or I can choose to change. I can live each day as if it was the exact same as yesterday, or I can make a difference.  I can wake up each morning and groan that I have to go to work early every morning, or I can be thankful that I have woken up so I can have the privilege to try to help and heal my patients, speak to my loved ones, reconnect with old friends, and bring my passion each day to do my best while doing what I love.

I have made my decisions.


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