I haven’t written anything in quite some time, so in
usual fashion, I will first provide an update on my life.
My third year of medical school is winding down now. I am
currently on my very last clinical rotation of the year—surgery. After this, I
will officially be in my last year of medical school. It surprises me how fast
time flies. I started this blog just a few short months before I started
medical school. That was over three
years ago.
I was speaking to a faculty member the other day and the
topic of my blog came up. I also recently saw that this blog has hit over
50,000 views (about 52,000 now to be exact) from people all over the world. So,
with that, I’ll answer some questions that people have asked me and that you
may also be thinking:
How did you start
this blog?
This blog all started about seven months after my
accident in May of 2009 and just a few months before I started medical school
in August 2010. A friend of mine was going to start a web site and he asked me
if I wanted to be a writer for it. “Ugh. I’m a horrible writer. But I’m not
doing anything right now at home before I start school. So I might as well do
it. It’ll help stimulate my brain and get me to think and write so I can be
better ready for med school. I’m not sure what kind of stuff I will write
about, though, or if anyone will even read it,” I thought to myself and said to
my friend. That’s when I wrote my first blog post, “My
7 month anniversary”. I had a friend from another state review it and help
me edit it. I knew my writing was horrible. The web site for which I wrote that
post never really took off, so I ended up deciding that I would start my own
blog and use it to write about random thoughts that came to me. My first entry was
something I quickly typed up late one night, “Jeans…say
Why do you keep
After almost every blog post, I think to myself, “I’m all
out of things to write about. That was my last post.” But I somehow find
something else about which to write. After I posted that very first post on my
blog, I got positive feedback from some friends. They wanted me to keep writing
and they wanted me to keep posting the links on Facebook so they could know
when I post anything new. I was really flattered. And I kept writing.
I get so surprised when I find out people read my blog. I
remember when I got so excited when I found out I could check the viewer
statistics on my blog and that over one hundred people from the United States
(mostly Georgia) and Canada had read it. I couldn’t believe it. Why would
anyone be interested in what I had to say?
The essential
question, “Why write?”
Over the years, I have heard from people that my blog has
helped me in one way or another. They thank me. But in return, I thank them
more. I am unable to express my gratitude to these people.
I write about personal things. I lay my heart out for the
world to see. Because this is me. When people first meet me, I am aware that
all they see is my wheelchair; all they see are my disabilities. So I write to
show that there is more than that to me. I write to show people that we should
not judge others by how they look or by their “disabilities”.
I write to show that we are all the same.
Writing has helped me develop as a person. I was talking
about this with the faculty member I spoke to last week. One can go through
this blog from my earliest posts to my newest ones and see just how much I have
changed. Writing has made me evolve. The positive feedback and encouragement I
receive from others has really allowed me to grow. I have learned so much about
other people and about myself.
I just hope other people have learned as much about
themselves, too.
Who reads this
besides me?
Over the years, the number of viewers of this blog has
grown. I remember when I hit one thousand viewers. I remember when I saw that
there seemed to be more people in Canada reading this blog aside from the four
people I knew there. I remember when I saw that people in Europe had come
across my blog.
Now, I receive about 2,000 to 3,000 views every month. I
started posting links to my new posts on Facebook so my friends could read
them. It is possible that the number of viewers spread from there. When people
who were not my close friends or people I haven’t talked to in many years (eg,
friends from high school) tell me they read my blog, I am still surprised,
flattered and humbled.
This blog has given me the privilege to from great
friendships with people all over the United States and the world. In addition,
this has caused me to be interviewed by various publications, including local
news sources (like the Gwinnett Daily post and university magazines) and
international news sources (like the magazine emel or on other web sites). I have even been asked to speak at multiple
events, including TEDxGeorgiaTech. I cannot be more thankful. I hope to one day
meet all of these people.
Why don’t you write
a book?
This question has been asked to me many times. To be
honest, I don’t think I’m that good of a writer. So I am flattered when people
suggest that. I’m just a regular guy writing about the things that happen to me
and that go through that my head. In addition, time is a very limiting factor.
I often think about things to write as I go about my day
but I usually don’t end up writing about them. When I write, I usually just get
on my laptop and type up everything at once. Often, I do not look over my posts
before posting them. I rarely ever revise or edit them. This keeps everything
in the raw. It makes everything come straight from my heart.
Will you keep
As I said earlier in this post, I have thought since I
started this blog back in 2010 that every post would be my last post. Somehow,
I find more things about which to write. So as long as I have the time and as
long as people still enjoy reading about this crazy guy, I will keep writing.
Just please forgive me for writing so seldom this past
year or two. Medical school and medical rotations are keeping me busy. But, if everything
goes as planned, I should have just a few more months and a few more exams left
of the “hard stuff” and then hopefully next year should be more relaxing as I
finish off medical school and finally earn my medical degree. J

Once again, I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for being a part of my journey.